Custom Blockchain Development | Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain Development Company

Avail custom blockchain development solutions for individual and enterprise projects.

Join hands with a reliable blockchain development company like ours and integrate top-notch decentralized blockchain solutions as per your needs. We develop decentralized applications, games, marketplaces With execution of smart contracts in enterprise grade blockchain networks.

Custom Blockchain Development Services

Top Notch Custom Blockchain Development Services

Unlock the potential of blockchain with a modern blockchain development company. Suffescom holds a progressive approach to building digital solutions and utilizes the power of blockchain to enhance business operations.

Whether it is ecommerce, education, finance or healthcare, tell us what you need and we provide blockchain development service from scratch. With over 6 years of experience, we can deliver for any challenge and help your business gain a competitive edge.

Consult the top blockchain insurance platform development company to create your own decentralized insurance platform today.

Top Blockchain Platforms We Work On

As an established blockchain development company, we have built an impressive portfolio that presents our work across different blockchain platforms.

  • Solana icon


  • Hyperledger icon


  • Ethereum icon


  • Stellar icon


  • Ripple icon


  • Polygon icon


  • Dragonchain icon


  • Hedra Harshgraph icon

    Hedra Harshgraph

  • Tezos icon


  • Corda icon


  • Tron icon


  • OpenChain icon


Our Successfully Delivered Blockchain Projects

Innovate With A Trusted Blockchain Development Company

Take your business to the decentralized space. Experience the benefits of blockchain with solutions tailored to you. Talk to our blockchain experts and begin the journey now.

Specialize In Next-Gen Custom Blockchain Development Services

Suffescom, a leading blockchain development company, offers blockchain solutions ranging from consultation to the development of various decentralized platforms. Each custom blockchain development service is designed to offer a scalable, high-performing, and secure solution to a problem.

Enterprise Grade Blockchain Development Solutions

Enterprise Grade Blockchain Development Solutions

Join a highly scalable decentralized platform by building your public or private distributed ledger with our enterprise blockchain solutions. Get in touch with our team to begin the process today.

Steps of Blockchain Development Process: Start Frictionless Business

Suffescom maintains a reputation for quality and timely results. Our curated, step-by-step blockchain development process helps our team to stay focused and work with maximum productiveness.

Identify Problems To Solve

Our blockchain developers adopt a systematic approach to overcome challenges like interoperability, scalability, and security issues. Scalability problems arise when the blockchain network becomes incapable of managing increasing transaction volumes. Security vulnerabilities are removed by auditing smart contracts and implementing rigorous testing, examining network nodes and blockchain protocols to reduce malicious attacks.

Our vetted developers examine the performance and energy efficiency of consensus mechanisms, which helps them pick the most appropriate one for their blockchain application. By leveraging the blockchain monitoring tools and continuous testing, various blockchain development issues can be identified and addressed.

Analyze Business Requirements

All the requirements are understood and comprehended at this stage to create a robust business plan. Everything related to the business problem is analyzed, and solutions are proposed to develop a reliable blockchain app.

Everything from the backend architecture, programming languages to cryptography techniques are implemented to make the app development process free from complexities. Also, it depends upon the blockchain app catering to different industries.

Another crucial step is identifying the shareholders, categorizing the requirements, integrating features, and setting the timeline and milestones according to the client's budget.

Consensus Mechanism Identification?

Selecting the right consensus mechanism is pivotal for the success of any blockchain project. Developers follow a well-organized plan to identify the consensus mechanism that aligns with their project requirements.

  • Proof Of Work
  • PoW is a decentralized consensus mechanism that verifies transactions via the mining process and adds them to the blockchain network, thereby creating new tokens.

  • Proof Of Stake
  • Helps process transactions by validating entries into a distributed database and offers super fast and cost-effective transaction processing.

  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  • Allows distributed systems to approve of faulty nodes, thereby maintaining consensus within the remaining nodes.

  • Deposit-based Consensus
  • Deposit-based consensus helps achieve agreement within the network participants by enabling participants to deposit a specific amount of cryptocurrency as collateral.

  • Proof Of Elapsed Time
  • This consensus mechanism works on permissioned blockchain networks that help decide the block winners and utilizes much less energy because it selects the node instead of miners.

Blockchain Platform Selection

Our developers choose the appropriate blockchain platform while consulting with the clients. They suggest a robust platform that aligns with the business needs and budget.

There are two important approaches involved in choosing a blockchain platform. One is to build a completely new blockchain platform that includes taking decisions solely for algorithm selection to transaction validation. It involves building your own framework like Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon, which will be quite expensive.

Another great and cost-effective choice is using a popular blockchain platform, i.e. open-source, where code will be deployed on the server via the forking technique.

Blockchain Nodes Designing

During this stage, the blockchain apps are designed and maintained. These are the essential elements of the network that work coherently to build the blockchain infrastructure.

Designing a blockchain node requires certain vital aspects to consider. Most importantly, it’s essential to ascertain whether a permissioned or permissionless blockchain network is needed. Other things to consider are requirements surrounding private, public, or hybrid solutions and where the nodes will run on-premises, cloud, or both.

The entire blockchain is stored, the transactions and blocks are validated, and a P2P communication protocol is connected with other nodes. The miners solve the puzzles to create new blocks, and the pending transactions not yet included in a block are maintained. Further, the incoming blocks are validated.

Validate incoming blocks to ensure they follow the consensus rules and do not contain invalid transactions. Cryptographic algorithms are implemented to boost security, followed by performance optimization, monitoring & maintenance.

Blockchain Configuration Planning

We will help you plan and set up the crucial factors directly responsible for an error-free blockchain network, maintaining performance and responsiveness. The configuration elements need to be mapped out for a robust blockchain platform. Those are mentioned below;

  • Block signatures
  • Permissions
  • Native assets
  • Multi-signatures
  • Atomic exchanges
  • Asset issuance
  • Key management
  • Address formats
  • Key formats
  • Hand-shaking
  • Asset re-issuance

Our developers will configure the advanced settings based on the requirements to align with the node/environment.

APIs Development

Our team will help you execute APIs to promote interaction within decentralized apps and allow data exchange. Our developers choose the desired blockchain network with which communication needs to be initiated. Then, the developers use an API endpoint to access a particular function. Afterward, the API access is authenticated to make it safe to access.

The developers use API endpoints to send API requests to the blockchain network. Following this, the dedicated network will respond to an API request by offering confirmation. The data is secured via privacy safeguards, encryption, and other authorization and authentication restrictions. When the API response is received, it is examined by the developers, and then a decentralized application is created.

The APIs are built for:

  • Generating key pairs and addresses
  • Data storage/retrieval
  • Data authentication
  • Data storage and retrieval
  • Smart contracts
  • Smart-asset lifecycle management

Design the User Interface

Our designers will help you build a visually attractive and intuitive interface for your blockchain app that makes user interaction highly engaging and interactive. A highly robust interface is vital for user adoption and engagement. It should be simple in design and take little time to understand and navigate. This will help build mass trust and confidentiality while ensuring transparency and reliability.

After the app structure is properly planned, our designers will proceed with designing the UI for every software component. On the backend, the developed APIs are integrated with the user interface. Moreover, such visual designs are implemented to enhance the app's overall look.

Optimize Your Blockchain Application

Developing a decentralized app does not end here. Optimization is equally important before deployment. For this, a hardware accelerator is used to increase efficiency, performance, and scalability. They are also responsible for enhancing the specific components of the blockchain app, encompassing data storage and transaction validation technology. Additionally, the transaction loads are distributed across all app components, helping to save time, storage space, and transactional output.

Our team is well-adept with modern technologies that will elevate performance and efficiency so that the app runs seamlessly without any interruptions. The right set of tools is chosen to optimize performance. Frameworks like Hardhat, Remix, Truffle, etc., are used to automate smart contract testing. Also, a code editor like Visual Studio Code facilitates formatting and syntax highlighting. Even gas efficiency performance is optimized by utilizing gas analyzer tools like Tenderly, Gas Reporter, etc.

Lead The Way With State-Of-The-Art Blockchain Development Services

We follow a systematic roadmap to deliver high-quality blockchain solutions with guaranteed results. As a blockchain development service provider, we are at the forefront of fostering innovation and creativity empowering enterprises towards growth.

high-quality blockchain solutions

Blockchain Development Service For All Industries

Blockchain unlocks a world where data confidentiality is paramount. Our blockchain developers harness the potential of technology. We welcome you to the forefront of custom blockchain development, where the synergy of innovative solutions and integrity forge a path towards a decentralized future.

  • Blockchain For Real Estate
    Blockchain For Real Estate
  • Blockchain For Social Media
    Blockchain For Social Media
  • Blockchain For Logistics & Supply Chain
    Logistics & Supply Chain
  • Blockchain For Healthcare
    Blockchain For Healthcare
  • Blockchain For Education
    Blockchain For Education
  • Blockchain For Finance/DeFi
    Blockchain For Finance/DeFi
  • Blockchain For Entertainment
    Blockchain For Entertainment
  • Blockchain For Gaming
    Blockchain For Gaming
  • Blockchain For E-Commerce
    Blockchain For E-Commerce
  • Blockchain For Banking
    Blockchain For Banking
  • Blockchain For Insurance
    Blockchain For Insurance
  • Blockchain For Governments
    Blockchain For Governments

Outstanding Benefits Of Blockchain Development Solutions

Benefits of custom blockchain development service helps achieve efficiency in performance and cost savings in the business network by building trust, offering high security, transparency and high level of data traceability of blockchain applications.

Enhanced Security
Enhanced Security

Technology changes the way to store and view critical information. Privacy concerns can be addressed with modern high-end technologies, restricting hackers from viewing data.

Greater Transparency
Greater Transparency

All the transactions over the latest technology are recorded immutably, enabling members to view the entire transaction history and eliminating the chance for any fraud.

Instant Traceability
Instant Traceability

With upgraded technology, it is possible to share data directly with customers without permission. We offers a quick traceable solution to identify fake transactions.

Increased Efficiency
Increased Efficiency

Traditional processes are time-consuming and prone to human error. Our solution streamlines the processes and helps execute them more efficiently.

Higher Speed
Higher Speed

The digital ledger makes it possible to execute faster transactions by streamlining and automating the processes and offer a single place to store transactions.


Transactions are generated automatically. Smart contracts help automate the transactions while increasing the efficiency and speed of processes.

Blockchain Development Tech Stack We Use

Suffescom’s reputation as the best blockchain development company comes from its adherence to following the latest technologies to deliver innovative solutions.

Blockchain Frameworks

As a top blockchain development company, we specialize in multiple blockchain frameworks to be able to cater to every client's requirement.

  • Ethereum icon


  • Bitcoin icon


  • Hyperledger icon


  • Multichain icon


  • Quorum icon


  • Solana icon


Programming Languages

Our team of blockchain developers has a strong hold over multiple programming languages to be able to create the most viable solution.

  • Solidity icon


  • Golang icon


  • C++ icon


  • C icon


  • .NET icon


  • JAVA icon


  • Python icon


  • PHP icon


  • Swift icon


Frontend Frameworks

We create impressive interfaces to improve user experience and maintain the high performance of the platform.

  • Kafka icon


  • Vanilla JS icon

    Vanilla JS

  • Node JS icon

    Node JS

  • Express JS icon

    Express JS

  • Docker icon


  • Zookeeper icon


  • Truffle icon


  • MIST icon


  • WEB3 JS icon

    WEB3 JS

  • Angular JS icon

    Angular JS

  • React icon


  • Simplicity icon



We create a highly rewarding result using the best combination of technologies, including the most effective database.

  • IPFS icon


  • MongoDB icon


  • Couch DB icon

    Couch DB

Cloud Platforms

We work with only the best cloud platforms that offer the most compatibility for every client’s project requirements.

  • AWS icon


  • IBM Bluemix icon

    IBM Bluemix

  • ETH BAAS icon


  • Kaleido Insights icon

    Kaleido Insights

Lead the Digital Space With Bespoke Blockchain Development Solutions

Join the technological revolution with blockchain. We have the resources and skills to customize a blockchain solution for any business vertical. Talk with our experts so we can begin your bespoke blockchain development solution today.

Lead the Digital Space With Bespoke Blockchain Development Solutions

Leading Enterprise Blockchain Consultants in USA

Initiate your blockchain business consultation with our experts at Suffescom Solutions Inc. As a leading enterprise blockchain consulting company in USA, India, Canada and Australia, our blockchain consultants cater enterprise blockchain solutions that are highly reliable and secure.

  • enterprise blockchain software development company


    From discovering to end-to-end development, we advise our clients at every step to adopt the right blockchain strategy.

  • enterprise blockchain software development company

    Proof Of Concept

    We develop quick Proof of Concepts to help you know how blockchain technology helps increase business efficiency.

  • enterprise blockchain software development company

    Business Consultation

    We turn ideas into a robust Dapp utilizing the best of our industry experience and blockchain business advice.

  • enterprise blockchain software development company


    Our business and technical experts also help guide and train clients to develop solutions highly suitable for their use cases.

FAQ Related To Blockchain Development Services

Top-rated Blockchain Development-related questions we have been asked countless times.

  • How much does a custom blockchain app development cost?

    The development cost majorly depends on various factors, including the features, complexity, and manpower you are hiring to develop. The approximate cost can be between $15,000 to $50,000 as per the company standards.

    What blockchain technologies have you worked on?

    We have designed and deployed blockchain on different leading blockchain technologies as a top-rated blockchain development firm in NYC, USA. Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Hyperledger Indy, Tron, Stellar, EOS, Corda, and others are examples.

    How To Hire A Top Blockchain Development Company?

    Blockchain technology is still nascent, so businesses find it difficult to pick the right tech partner. So before employing a blockchain development company, it is important to ask for their experience, expertise, developed blockchain platforms, tech stacks they include, etc.

  • How much does it usually take to get a custom blockchain app?

    It completely depends on the complexity of the application you want to have and what advanced features you want to include in the application.

    How can I gauge the status of my blockchain project?

    Suffescom Inc. employs a cutting-edge approach to ensure that communication between the customer and the development team is always open and transparent. Our staff not only keeps clients up to date on the progress of blockchain solution development but is also always motivated to work on any last-minute iterations to achieve 100% client satisfaction.

    Which Is The Best Blockchain Development Company?

    Considering experience, skills, online reviews, and on-time project delivery, Suffescom Solutions is the best blockchain development company.

Custom Blockchain Development Company - Suffescom
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