How to Convert App to a Decentralized App?

How to Convert App to a Decentralized App?

By Suffescom Solutions

October 12, 2022

How to Convert App to a Decentralized App?

Blockchain is on its way to overruling the current web. In a few years, technology has witnessed a sea change with the emergence of web3 dApps. Web3, which is immersed in AI/ML, AR/VR, blockchain, metaverse, and Defi technologies, is broadening its horizon in each and every sector, like games, education, real estate, etc.

There are many entrepreneurs who have already shifted their business to blockchain. They have thoroughly examined the centralized and decentralized web and have decided to shift to a decentralized web. The reason behind the shift is the several advantages associated with decentralization.

If you are also present over a centralized web and want to transform your business to the decentralized web, you have come to the right place.

Suffescom Solutions is an esteemed custom blockchain development company, serving clients worldwide with its top-notch development services. We have transferred numerous traditional apps to decentralized apps as per the client's requirements. To get our services, contact our experts!

Stay tuned to this blog as you will get insight into the migration process from traditional to blockchain apps.

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What Exactly is a Decentralized App?

A decentralized application on Ethereum blockchain is defined as an app where the data is stored on the blockchain via a smart contract. Illustrating with an example: when you write any message in a decentralized app, it gets stored on the Ethereum blockchain via a Smart Contract. To communicate with the blockchain, a metamask is required. Dapp does not require any single entity to do operations. These apps use crypto tokens to do transactions.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the topic…

To migrate traditional web apps to decentralized apps, you need to consider a few things, which are described as follows.

Technical Jargon for conversion into a decentralized app

We will define this section based on mobile SDK’s and Web & Backend SDK’s.

Mobile SDK’s-


This is the modernized, reactive, lightweight, type-safe Java and Android library. It operates with smart contracts and combines with nodes on the Ethereum network. It has some exclusive features that make it worthwhile such as supporting Ethereum wallet, Parity’s Personal and Geth’s Personal client APIs, Alchemy and Infura, Quorum via web3j-quorum, EEA privacy features; it comprises of reactive-functional API for working with filters; android compatible; etc.


It is a Swift library that also interacts with Smart Contracts in the Ethereum Network. It supports iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Linux with Swift Package Manager. This library enables users to send transactions via Smart Contracts. Some of its features are modularity, portability, speed, and efficiency.


It is a highly recognized utility library written in Swift. This library manages accounts based on Geth. In addition to this, it helps in creating and importing accounts, creating and encoding transactions, and signing transactions.

Now, let’s Jump to Web And Backend SDKs.

Web and Backend SDK’s-

Ethereum JavaScript API:

This is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Ethereum Foundation that connects to the Generic JSON-RPC specifications. It is a collection of libraries and 4 modules that enables developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. With this library, a user can transfer Ether from one account to another, develop smart contracts, and can deliver and write data from smart contracts.

Most Trusted Decentralized Consulting Company In USA

Looking for a company to build a decentralized app, then no look further than Suffescom Solutions Inc. Our team of expert will help you launch a decentralized app which make your business ahead of your competiton.

Exclusive Features Of Decentralized Applications

Now that it is clear how to convert web apps to decentralized apps, you might be wondering what are the things that inspire you to carry out this migration. Well, the numerous features of decentralization are the basic factor behind migration.

Let’s Have a Look At The Features:


The first thing about decentralized apps is that these are based on blockchain, where every node is interconnected.

P2P Transactions

Being built on the blockchain, dApps offer peer-to-peer transactions enabling direct communication between buyer and seller.

Crypto Wallet

To carry out the transactions in dApps, a crypto wallet is required. A crypto wallet in decentralized apps ensures secure transactions.

Reward System

The decentralized apps reward users for successfully completing their tasks or actions. These attract a huge customer base towards themselves.

Steps To Follow For Migration To Blockchain

Suffescom Solutions follows a strategic approach to convert a traditional web app into a decentralized one. Our team structured a few steps in the migration process, which are listed as follows.

Install Metamask-

To communicate with blockchain through a smart contract, a metamask is required. You need to install the Metamask extension and create a password. You will get connected to the Ethereum network automatically. Our team will follow the proper procedure to set up your Metamask.

Remix IDE-

We use Remix integrated development environment (IDE) for smart contract development and interact with them. It provides a debugging option to go through the code.

Smart Contract Coding-

To begin with smart contract coding, a special variable, ‘Struct,’ is defined. With this, new types of variables are created with their respective properties.

Types Of Variables Created:

  1. User- It includes name, occupation, and bio.
  2. Message- It includes content, creator, and timestamp.
  3. Deploy smart contracts.

After finishing the smart contracts' coding, it’s time to deploy them in the Ropsten Ethereum testnet. However, you would require real Ether to process the deployment. Our experts will briefly explain the process of buying real Ether whenever you require it.

Connect Smart Contracts With Your Web App-

A Javascript library, “Web3.js” is used to carry out this major step. The smart contracts will be connected to the web app using this library. There is a proper procedure for this step, which will be thoroughly discussed with you upon the arrival of your project to us.

Initialize the Smart Contracts-

Contract ABI (application library interface) and contract address are required to initialize smart contracts. These ABIs are data encoding schemes enabling communication with smart contracts.

After setting up a contract instance variable by using ABI and contact address, we will update the Javascript file of the web app with the contract instance code for a particular function. This step will get repeated for every function.

With this, the process of migrating a web app into a decentralized app gets completed.

To know more about the procedure, contact Suffescom experts. We will assist you in transforming your business into a decentralized network.

Things To Consider While Migrating The App To Blockchain

Data Storage Method

Blockchain technology provides peer-to-peer solutions; here, data is replicated across “n” number of nodes on a decentralized network. Blockchain technology differs from databases in many aspects. The dApps use a user-centric data storage model, storing application data on a distributed network. It enables users to have access to this data easily. However, traditional web applications are application-centric, and all the data is stored on a single server.

Pre-Requisites For Converting Traditional to Decentralized Apps

  • Network for fast data availability and mutability.
  • Protocol for model-based, identity-centric data storage/retrieval.
  • Clients need to perform CRUD operations in users’ stores at runtime.
  • Migration from simple data storage method to Decentralized (using blockchain) data storage method.
  • On the blockchain, data ownership always belongs to the user, unlike centralized data storage.
  • Data can not be altered or removed, so the security and immutability of data keep intact on the blockchain.
  • Wallet/Payment migration.

In the migration process, migration from a simple payment gateway to a crypto wallet is also required. Metamask is one such crypto wallet that is highly considered for the migration process. These wallets provide a gateway to many blockchain-based crypto apps, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), gaming, and NFTs. No doubt that third-party wallets are also utilized as per the needs.

Advantages of Decentralized Applications

Decentralized apps are accompanied by several benefits. Users can take advantage of these benefits to earn profits, and business owners can also earn handsome revenue from these apps.


Decentralization means there is no need for a central identity to perform various operations of the business. In addition to this, it costs very less fee and a few transaction expenses.

Outstanding Uptime

Smart contracts power up the decentralized applications (dApps), which increase the run time as long as a blockchain containing the contract is active.

Data Integrity and Security

Data stored on blockchain technology is very secure as there is no risk of failure. This is because blockchain consensus algorithms do not allow the data to be altered.

Fault Toleration

Unlike a centralized network, a decentralized network stays fully secured from hackers even if only a single node in the network is working.


The dApps do not ask for the personal information of users. Thus, all the user information stays safe and secure.

Cost Savings

Individuals are hired for a centralized network to keep the systems running properly, for which they will be paid. However, decentralization eliminates the requirement of hiring people; thus, cutting the additional cost.

Storage System

For additional storage, dApps do not use onsite storage systems; instead use cloud storage like IFPS, Swarm, or other cryptocurrency-based incentives.

Book Your Slot To Get In Touch With The Experts & Get Assistance For Your Business

Get in touch with us to start your project. Our team of expert developers will help you in creating the decentralized app according to your needs and requirements.

What Does It Cost To Migrate App to Blockchain App?

Converting your traditional web app to a decentralized app is quite noticeable in terms of cost. Since it requires building smart contracts in abundance, additional features, functionalities, higher complexity, etc., the cost may vary as per clients' needs.

Conversion of a web app to dApp requires excellent developers, designers, testers, business analysts, managers, etc.; the cost will also be affected by the number of team members employed for the project.

To get a proper estimate for decentralizing your web app, get in touch with experts of Suffescom Solutions. Our business analysts will analyze your requirements thoroughly and accordingly develop a cost estimation of blockchain project.

Talk to us now!

Why Choose Suffescom Solutions For Migrating Your App to blockchain?

Suffescom Solutions- a decentralized app development company, has been an experienced blockchain service provider for the past 6 years. Till now, we have delivered top-notch services to our clients with cutting-edge technology. Not only app migration, but we are also well-versed in building decentralization apps from scratch. We have a team of professionals with thorough knowledge of blockchain and decentralization. They leave no stone unturned in delivering result-driven solutions to our clients.

What do we offer?

  • Team of professionals
  • Latest tech stack
  • 24/7 support system
  • Consulting services
  • Whitelabel solutions
  • Migration to dApps
  • On-time delivery


Migration of traditional web apps to decentralized apps is not a piece of cake for everyone. It requires the latest technology, highly skilled developers, passion, enthusiasm, and dedication. Our eminent team of developers, designers, testers, etc., holds all these prerequisites to provide top-class services to you.

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