Polkacity Clone NFT Marketplace | Polkacity Clone Development

Polkacity Clone NFT Marketplace | Polkacity Clone Development

By Suffescom Solutions

June 22, 2023

Polkacity Clone NFT Marketplace | Polkacity Clone Development

NFT marketplaces are gaining immense popularity in the recent few years. People are curious about this new form of trading in the virtual world. Polkacity is the new name added to the list. This NFT marketplace allows the sale and trade of digital assets in the virtual realm. Even popular artists use this platform to monetize their content. The polkacity like platform is in great demand due to its spectacular features and massive revenue generation.

What Is Polkacity?

Polkacity is entirely built on a polygon blockchain network, enabling players to purchase and sell the properties existing in the virtual world. The other great thing it offers is the construction of infrastructure like roads and buildings to build a city. It involves the fabulous integration of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. This AR-enabled NFT game also possesses specifics like an NFT marketplace that involves the trading of virtual properties. The gaming players can earn rewards with the help of “POLC,” i.e., polkacity’s native token.

This real-estate-based NFT platform allows investors to generate huge profits by purchasing important services like virtual taxis, shopping malls, gas stations, and more. All these assets are tradeable as they hold a specific value that is the beginning of income generation.

Redefine Your Business With A Robust Polkacity Like Platform

Launch your own polkacity like platform that is built with extremely safe and secure software. Fetch a perfect place in the NFT marketplace with our reliable services.

Polkacity Clone Script

The polkacity platform is something that everyone is talking about. Various businesses want to give this immersive experience to their users. Along with that, they also want to join those enterprises that are enjoying substantial passive income. Talking about the polkacity clone script, it comes with all the features and functionalities that are available in the existing polkacity. To launch a polkacity like platform, a ready-made solution with an absolute source code is tested multiple times to avoid errors.

The polkacity clone script is completely automated and is open-source. Suffescom Solutions Inc. helps in decentralized NFT marketplace development like polkacity that allows users to access the virtual city and gain commissions. We provide top-notch solutions to develop platforms like polkacity with customized features that are enough to draw humongous attention.

Polkacity Like Platform - Complete Workflow

The workflow of the polkacity type NFT marketplace development requires the registration of the users. After signing in, there are a variety of virtual assets, out of which the desired one is chosen. It ends up with payment fulfillment.

Digital Asset Purchases

The main source of income is generated through the purchase of digital assets. Here the digital assets represent the assets present in the real world.

Shopping Complexes

This game supports the buying and renting of shopping complexes. As the investments in the shops existing in these complexes tend to grow, the return on these investments also increases.

Polka Taxis

The polka taxis are the taxis that exist in the virtual realm. Just like in the real-life scenario, the car rental system works, in the exact same way, the polka taxis work. These taxis are set for buy or rent, depending upon what choice the user makes. The enhanced investment in the taxis eventually results in an elevated profit percentage.

Polka Vehicles

The games available in the polkacity like platform have several vehicles. These vehicles are bought by the players. After that, the players can further subject the polka vehicles for renting or buying. The increase in investment results in an inflated ROI.

Power Stations

This virtual real estate platform has a collection of power stations in which users invest. This is the most popular form of investment in which people are interested. As a result of this, there is a heavy investment in the power/petrol stations. Increased investments correspond to boosted profits.

Why Should You Invest In A Polkacity Like Platform?

It has the capability to take complete charge of the NFTs in the forthcoming times. The main reason behind developing your polkacity like platform is the presence of the cross-chain environment. It has superior advantages and provides a perfect way to earn gigantic profits. This virtual real estate platform has taken inspiration from real-world real estate investments. The main objective is to replicate it in the virtual world. The popularity will be exponential in the future, and another thing that drives people crazy is the number of opportunities it will provide to the users. The cross-chain functionality helps in the establishment of a better connection with diverse blockchain platforms. This results in the swift buying and selling of the digital assets. Investing in a polkacity type NFT Marketplace Development is a lucrative business, and soon it's going to explode in the virtual market.

Hire The Top NFT Marketplace Developers!

Develop a scalable polkacity-type NFT marketplace with our talented pool of developers. We have a superb development team that will develop the platform as per your wish.

How To Launch Your Own Polkacity Like Platform?

Polkacity type NFT marketplace development is not a piece of cake. A vast amount of technical understanding and skilled developers are required. We at Suffescom have a vetted pool of developers that will provide you with appropriate tech assistance. Check out the important steps involved in developing a polkacity like platform.

Detecting The Motive Behind The Platform

The first and foremost step is to know the purpose behind the platform development. One should know what benefit and opportunity it will serve to the users. One should decide on the type of NFT that one wants. There is also a big decision related to the category of the marketplace that needs to be built. Your marketplace needs to be better than the ones that your competitors are offering. The primary factor that will sway the user toward your creation will depend solely on the integrated features and the working.

Picking The Blockchain Platform

The most interesting part of the polkacity like platform is the blockchain category. There are different platforms like Ethereum, polygon, BSC, Solana, etc. Choose the one that suits your preference. Every blockchain platform comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore the research needs to be precise before coming to a conclusion. The decision has to be made by analyzing the various prospects.

Smart Contract Development

The most pivotal part of the NFT platform is smart contracts. We are the top smart contract development company offering advanced smart contract development services. Our blockchain developers know about advanced programming languages that are helpful in automating every operation. This helps in the smooth workflow and eventually ends up in lower costs.

Developing The Front-End Interface

The user interface forms a crucial part of the polkacity like platform. Without this, the NFT platform is absolutely worthless. This is the interface where users interact with each other. All the interactive elements are present in the front end, such as the navigation menus, buttons, images, etc.

Wallet Integration

The wallet integration is essential as it is the mode through which the transaction takes place. It is responsible for handling the finances, earning rewards, making payments, etc. The transactions taking place are seamless, fast, secure, and error-free. The trading of NFTs is possible through this fantastic feature.

Testing And Launch

The polkacity like platform is tested for bugs and errors. These abnormalities hamper the performance of the platform. So, these issues need to be solved at any cost. The features should be checked before the product gets launched in the market. After resolving every issue, the product is deployed on the relevant blockchain network. Checking for the technicalities, the product is properly released and made available to the end-user.

Relevant Marketing

The polkacity like platform requires advanced marketing that makes the people aware of the product. The marketing is done on various social media platforms, building relevant communities, apt outreach, etc. Advertising is necessary for today's era as people are constantly on their smart devices. This makes it easy for businesses to showcase their product on a larger level and build customer engagement.

Polkacity Like Platform - Spectacular Benefits It Exhibits

This NFT marketplace platform has stupendous features that attract the customers in the best possible way. Here, we have mentioned some of the dynamic features exhibited in our NFT platform;


The traditional games are based on the centralized network, whereas the polkacity game is completely decentralized. The interoperability feature allows the diverse blockchain platforms to communicate seamlessly. No restriction or glitch is faced when the NFTs are transferred among diverse games.

User-Friendly Interface

The NFT platform is developed with ultra-modern tech stacks that make the interface intuitive and interactive. The navigation should be ultra-smooth so that the user does not face any difficulty while traversing the panel. We develop such a platform that enhances customer satisfaction and lowers the search time. This ultimately helps in skyrocketing sales volume with enhanced customer loyalty.

Ultra Security And Scalability

The polkacity clone is developed in a way that applies all the standard protocols that safeguard the data. The platform is robust and reliable and does not allow fraudulent activity to occur. The scalability allows the unlimited addition of the players to the game without any inhibition. The same applies to transactions where countless transactions occur without facing any obstruction.


The ownership of the assets in polkacity like platform lies within the users, who are free to sell them to other users. These users could belong to the same or different platforms, and due to the security offered, the assets are transferred anywhere in the world.


Polkacity NFT platform provides extensive immutability. So, for instance, if any game gets shut down, all the data is saved in the blockchain network. There is no way that the digital assets can get tampered thereby saving the details.

Want Advice From The Experts? Talk to us!

Get free consultation advice from our top blockchain and NFT experts. They will guide you regarding the development process and explain the cost estimation.

How Can Suffescom Help You In Launching Polkacity Type NFT Marketplace Development?

Suffescom is a leading white label NFT marketplace development company with talented specialists developing extraordinary decentralized platforms. Our result-focused approach, willingness to complete the project on time, and adoption of agile methodologies have made us the top choice of businesses. Every project that we have been involved in has been a massive hit. The other parameters that make us superior to our adversaries are mentioned below;

Core Blockchain Team

We have a skillful and well-experienced development team with extensive knowledge of NFT norms and blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Tezos, EOS protocols, and NFT norms. Our blockchain developers know how to work on complex decentralized projects within the dedicated time-frame.

Project's Confidentiality

We always maintain the confidentiality of the project. We believe in signing a non-disclosure agreement with the clients that avoid sharing sensitive project details up until the project completion.

Budget Transparency

We follow a completely transparent pricing policy. Looking at the project specifications, we decide on the budget. Every detail is provided to the clients beforehand to avoid last-minute confusion. In case they want to add or delete certain features, the prices will increase or decrease accordingly.

White Label Solutions

We provide white-label solutions to our clients that come with in-built features. The whole platform need not be developed from scratch. The code is already built, but in case of any integrations, our developers are ready to assist you.

Round-The-Clock Services

We provide round-the-clock services, and our technical assistants are always available to serve clients via email or call.

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