Virtual Time Capsule App : Relieving Your Memories In Future

Virtual Time Capsule App : Relieving Your Memories In Future

By Suffescom Solutions

July 26, 2023

Virtual Time Capsule App : Relieving Your Memories In Future

Revisiting your fond memories brings a special smile and creates a fantastic moment. People generally enjoy memory flashbacks, and if given a chance to revisit them at their own decided time, then what better opportunity could it be?

Is that even possible? That’s the first question that arises in users' minds. Well, the answer is “YES.” We at Suffescom are the leaders in adopting futuristic technologies and have developed several intuitive platforms. Our team of developers will help you with an ideal virtual time capsule app development fully loaded and embedded with ultimate features and functionalities.

The above statements might force you to think about how an app will help you visit memories and what role virtual reality has to play in this. Getting confused? Well, have patience; this blog will answer everything in detail.

Let's begin with the highlights!

Key Takeaways of Virtual Time Capsule App Development

  • Offers free storage for video, images, and document files for users
  • Seamless Memory access in future
  • Prevents information loss
  • Helps in generating potential leads
  • Keeps permanent records of important/historical events.
  • Earning money through paid subscriptions and in-app advertising
  • Provides immense creativity while creating slides

What Is A Virtual Time Capsule App?

A virtual time capsule app is a platform that will store all the precious memories and experiences of the user in a uniform place. On top of it, with the utilization of cutting-edge technologies, it will represent the images and videos in 3D space. Moreover, it will also provide a larger-than-life experience with artificial intelligence, AR/VR, IoT, etc. In simpler terms, the person will feel like they are reliving the same moment again.

Here, the app is not limited to storing memories but important files, documents, treasured experiences, etc. The virtual time capsule app is like creating a backup of your life. It may sound a little impractical, but we assure you of building an interoperable and immersive application that will provide an amazing user experience and benefit businesses in the long run.

Develop And Launch An Easy To Use Virtual Time Capsule App

Simplify your virtual time capsule app development process with us. Join hands with our talented pool of developers that will help you launch the project effectively

Perfect For Storing Memories For The Future

A virtual time capsule app is an ideal place to store memories, talking from users' points of view; it will be fruitful in the following ways;


People always take pictures whenever they visit different places with their loved ones or on family trips to awesome world locations. Those pictures can be stored on the app and enjoyed later on.


The most amazing part of an individual's life is college time. People often miss this part, so it is just a fabulous way to bring them back to life.


Reunion with your childhood friends, and school/college mates, is always wonderful. To feel that experience again and see those faces is something that can’t be expressed.


Weddings are the best and an important part of people’s lives. And everyone deserves to enjoy the same experience as if it's happening again in reality; it just feels surreal.

How To Create Amazing Virtual Time Capsule Memories?

The virtual time capsule memories are something that uplifts the whole experience of the users, but to allow that event to take place, the user is required to add necessary elements in their time capsule. Here we have enlisted a few pointers on creating an incredible virtual time capsule memory.

  • Collect your images and then include them in your virtual time capsule. You can even upload scanned physical photographs comprising your birth and teenage pictures; in addition, you can even add your ancestor's images, if any. Gather all the stuff you want so that you will get to enjoy a relay of your life’s journey in the future.
  • Another great thing is the addition of videos which creates a much bigger impact than just images. Upload all available videos that you have on your devices. If you have certain videos in VHS cassettes, they can also get featured in your virtual capsule by digitizing the same.
  • Be more creative, and add personal messages in the form of voice notes and video recordings from your loved ones. Including these things will make you feel grateful while hearing such words again. You can also make a recording of yourself and then craft a sweet message for your future self.
  • Moving further, the user can add relevant captions to the memories, just like adding particular dates, names of the place, and people in the video/image.
  • Not to forget, add your favorite music to your slideshow. It will uplift the whole visual experience by getting played in the background.
  • Ultimately, it's better to see a preview of your created virtual time capsule. Play everything again and ensure that everything is just as planned. In case of alterations, you can make changes be it related to speed, image size, editing certain parts, and more.

Our virtual time capsule is extremely user-friendly and will provide ease for the users to navigate through the app without much hassle.

Boost Your Business Growth With Our Virtual Time Capsule App Development

Get an edge over your competitors by skyrocketing your sales and generating massive ROI with our fantastic virtual app development services.

Virtual Time Capsule App development- Ultimate Features

Our developed virtual time capsule app is fully equipped with alluring features to help you create a beautiful memory for your future. Check out a few of them below;


To craft the reels for your future, the user must register themselves on the application. On successful sign-up, the user can smoothly log in to the app.

Setting Future Date

To view the capsule on a fixed date, you can set the day, date, and year through this feature. Select any desired date, and it can go from a minimum of 5 minutes to like 50 years, which is amazing.

Create And Share Videos

The user can create the videos then and there with the create option. On top of it, they can even be shared within the social network.

Send Moments To Future

Under this feature, the user, after creating the videos, can send their favorite moments in future to enjoy later on.

Add Location

The feature of adding places will be available to users with the help of this feature so that you don’t miss out on any visited locations.

Tagging Friends

This option provides you with the facility to tag your friends in the images and the videos directly from your phonebook.

Push Notifications

Every time a new feature or any latest element gets launched, the app automatically sends alerts to the user for them to view and take action on it.

Create Time Capsules

This feature allows the users to create a time capsule by compiling all the stuff together. They can even add suitable captions under it.

Virtual Time Capsule App Development Process: Key Steps

Our fantastic team of developers has expertise in developing interactive applications. With more than 6 years of experience working with modern technologies, we have become pioneers in building virtual apps. Let’s take you through our ultimate virtual time capsule app development journey.

Market Research

Before setting foot in any business, you need to have a detailed analysis of its existence, growth, and what opportunity it beholds. We will simplify things for you, as this is a virtual time capsule app, so our experts will perform extensive research in this field. Our researchers will prepare the whole report about the existing apps and check their features. If any feature is lacking in their app, we will ensure to include it in your app.

UI/UX Design

The application interface should be extremely intuitive, responsive, and consistent. Our designers are well-versed in developing an interface that is completely user-friendly and easy to navigate. The app should take less loading time and provide a visually appealing feeling to the users regarding design, structure, and outer looks. UI/UX design includes the icons, buttons, text written, layout, scalability, input-output controls, error handling, personalization, and more.


The virtual time capsule app development includes creating apps that run seamlessly on all available platforms. There is the implementation of backend services like API integration, data storage, and access. Talking about app development, there are several alternatives, out of which you can choose accordingly. For instance, native mobile applications, cross-platform native, hybrid, and progressive web applications. One that suits your needs, we will use only that platform.

Picking Right Technologies

As it's a virtual application, appropriate technologies are required to make it function exactly as it should. For an amplified version, choosing the right tech stacks is very crucial. Cutting-edge technology like blockchain, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, machine learning, edge computing, and more. All this is to make the app function seamless, provide a better customer experience, be easy to use, and enhance security and performance.

Testing And Launch

The developed app then undergoes a series of testing procedures. It is done to remove the irregularities from the application that could obstruct the functionality. Our software testers are well-qualified and have the right expertise to ensure product quality. After performing several testing techniques like performance, unit, penetration, functionality, and more., the app is then set to launch for the general public.

Post-maintenance Services

It happens mostly when the app is launched for users; at that time, certain issues occur. These technical glitches or malfunctions can occur due to any reason. The users provide their feedback and will work on resolving the issues ASAP.

Allure Your Users With Our Worthwhile Virtual Time Capsule App

Attract a large chunk of users who are interested in creating riveting and compelling time capsules of videos and images. Talk to our experts and start your development journey right now.

How Can Businesses Generate Money From Virtual Time Capsule App Development?

The revenue model of the virtual time capsule app development is quite simple. The main mode of generating revenue will be;

  • Through Sponsored Content- Businesses bring massive leads via sponsorships that increase brand visibility and generate huge sales. Specifically, in case of the virtual time app, the brands can advertise like on this specific date and year they were founded or any major event related to it.
  • Paid Subscriptions- Allow businesses to charge for exclusive features/services. Prices could be charged on a weekly/monthly, or yearly basis.
  • In-app Advertisements- Application owners can earn money from in-app advertisements with users making interactions displayed on the virtual time capsule app.
  • Freemium Model- Here, app services are free to users, but later on, some charges can be taken to block ads and get premium app content with extra attributes.

Why Choose Suffescom For Your Business Needs?

Suffescom is a leading brand when it comes to developing virtual reality-based applications. Our blockchain and metaverse experts have expertise in adopting futuristic technologies, working on modern frameworks, using top-level programming languages, etc. Well, below, we have mentioned certain factors that make us the best choice against our competitors.

Crystal Clear Approach

We understand our client's requirements very well, and to meet those expectations, we craft a well-strategized roadmap that aids in the app development process.

Quality Services

Our team offers top-notch services to its clients and never ever compromises on the project quality.


We are transparent in our outlook towards maintaining policies, whether it is while quoting the budget or assistance with which they will be facilitated.

Result Oriented

Our team is highly focused when it comes to providing high-grade outcomes while maintaining security and privacy.

Timely Project Delivery

Our project management team is quite swift in completing and managing the activities that lead to project completion within the set timeframe.

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